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Does taking laxatives help lose weight -

20-12-2016 à 14:43:33
Does taking laxatives help lose weight
It leaves the body devoid of important nutrients and can have a number of side effects on the health. They are mostly used as a treatment for constipation. Therefore, once the consumption of laxatives is stopped, the weight is put back on very quickly. Although you may convince yourself that you are in control at first, it is not something that you will simply be able to stop at will. This study is not a one off either, countless scientific research studies have proven that all methods of purging are highly ineffective at removing calories from the body. They discovered that while the average binge consisted of 2131 calories, the women only managed to purge an average of 979 calories by vomiting. In order to achieve this quick, a number of options are available, the most common and possibly extreme way is the use of laxatives by using products such as Lipozene. Even though some calories from the meal are absorbed by the body, most of them pass out undigested. Laxatives basically are foods, medicines or certain compounds used to induce bowel movements. The pills do not allow the food to stay in the body for long. Over a period of time, the person starts feeling weaker and low on energy. After vomiting, researchers calculated the amount of calories purged and compared it to the amount of calories eaten. Sorry to burst your bubble, but thats wrong. T hrowing up just a couple of times can and does lead to full blown bulimia. But in reality, the theory that throwing up after eating helps you lose weight is just another common misconception that we desperately need to raise awareness of. The first time I learned the surprising facts about self-induced vomiting I found them difficult to accept.

Firstly, when your body realizes that your food is being restricted (vomiting has a similar effect to restricting) your metabolism lowers and you quickly convert the calories you do absorb into fat stores. Actually, the weight loss resulted after consuming laxatives is the loss of water weight, not fat. The feel that eating laxatives and overall ingesting a lot of fiber will somehow prevent them from eating more and result in weight loss. Tweet There are more than a thousand different ways to lose weight. People looking for a quick and hassle free solution to weight loss consume laxatives right after a meal. They want to get slimmer and they want it fast. To most people the answer to this question seems obvious. In a study conducted at the Pittsburgh Human Feeding Laboratory, 18 bulimic women were asked to binge and vomit as they normally would, while the calories they consumed were carefully monitored. You have to be really careful with that, as it might even mean a trip to the local hospital. Skinny Betty - Everything About Diets, Exercise and Results. However, excess intake of laxatives may also result into diarrhea. The fact is that ultimately, throwing up does not help you to lose weight, and that actually, over time, it could cause you to gain weight. A lot of people now-a-days look for quick fixes to weight loss. If the body does not absorb nutrients, it starts to wear out. They help by boosting the reduction of undigested food from the intestine and colon. The weight loss resulted by laxatives is neither healthy nor permanent. They do result in weight loss but not in a healthy way. So right now, whether you are already bulimic, experience urges to vomit after sessions of uncontrollable eating or are perhaps considering throwing up in an attempt to lose weight, you owe it to yourself to embrace the true facts about throwing up and weight loss. But these days a lot of people do not want to take the normal route and go for a long term plan of going to the gym regularly and developing healthy eating habit.

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does taking laxatives help you lose weight
Does taking laxatives help lose weight

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